
London Borough of Havering

London Government Directory mapMap showing London Borough Councils.


Town Hall
Main Road
Tel: 01708 434343


Inland Area
11,235 hectares
Council Tax (band D)
Budget 2022/23


Cllr Mandy Anderson[email protected]Labour
Cllr Robert Benham[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Ray Best[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Patricia Brown[email protected]Labour
Cllr Joshua Chapman[email protected]Conservative
Cllr John Crowder[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr Philippa Crowder[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr Keith Darvill[email protected]Labour
Cllr Osman Dervish[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Brian Eagling[email protected]East Havering Resident's Group
Cllr Sarah Edwards[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Gillian Ford[email protected]Upminster and Cranham Residents Group
Cllr Oscar Ford[email protected]Upminster and Cranham Residents Group
Cllr Jason Frost[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Laurance Garrard[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr James Glass[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr David Godwin[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr Martin Goode[email protected]East Havering Resident's Group
Cllr Judith Holt[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Jane Keane[email protected]Labour
Cllr Jacqueline McArdle[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Paul McGeary[email protected]Labour
Cllr Trevor McKeever[email protected]Labour
Cllr Paul Middleton[email protected]Residents' Group
Cllr Robby Misir[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr Ray Morgon[email protected]Residents' Group
Cllr Barry Mugglestone[email protected]Residents' Group
Cllr Stephanie Nunn[email protected]Residents' Group
Cllr Gerry O'SullivanCouncillorGerry.O'[email protected]Residents' Group
Cllr Sue Ospreay[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Dilip Patel[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Nisha Patel[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Viddy Persaud[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Keith Prince[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Philip Ruck[email protected]Upminster and Cranham Residents Group
Cllr Timothy Ryan[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Carol Smith[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Christine Smith[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr Matthew Stanton[email protected]Labour
Cllr Natasha Summers [email protected]Independent Residents' Group
Cllr David Taylor[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Katharine Tumilty[email protected]Labour
Cllr John Tyler[email protected]Upminster and Cranham Residents Group
Cllr Christine Vickery[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Bryan Vincent[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr Frankie Walker[email protected]Labour
Cllr Damien White[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Micheal White[email protected]Conservative
Cllr Reg Whitney[email protected]Residents' Group
Cllr Julie Wilkes[email protected]Havering Residents Association
Cllr Christopher Wilkins[email protected]Upminster and Cranham Residents Group
Cllr Jacqueline Williams [email protected]Upminster and Cranham Residents Group
Cllr Graham Williamson[email protected]Independent Residents' Group
Cllr Darren Wise[email protected]East Havering Resident's Group